7:00 AM
Sunrise Eagle Viewing*
Sunrise is at 7:16 AM and it is a great time to catch some of the best Eagle activity. Viewing at the 1000 Islands Fishing Pier, Nelson Overlook or at the Ahlstrom Technology Support Ctr., Thilmany Rd., Kaukauna (North side of Fox River). Naturalists and/or volunteers will be at these viewing sites to assist you to spot and observe Eagles and answer your questions.
Map of Viewing Sites: Eagle Viewing Map 1000 Islands Sites (PDF)
Note: Volunteers will be available at the viewing sites from 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM, but the sunrise and sunset viewings are highly encouraged.
7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Eagle Information, Children’s Obstacle Course, Food and Beverages
Free activities inside the Nature Center building and outside will include hands-on eagle activities, an eagle craft, coloring contest, door prizes and more! Naturalists will be available all day to answer your Eagle questions.
Try your skills as a Bald Eagle on our Bald Eagle Obstacle Course.
Food and beverages will be available for purchase throughout the day thanks to the Friends of 1000 Islands.
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Storybook Walk and Adventure
Walk along the 1000 Islands boardwalk trail to enjoy some Eagle sightings and read the book On Eagle Cove by Jane Yolen. Reading stations will be set up for a self-guided walk to read a page or two at each station to read the entire book.
10:00 AM, 1:00 PM, or 3:00 PM
Live Bald Eagle Presentation by the National Eagle Ctr., Wabasha, MN
Join us for an opportunity to see a live Bald Eagle up close and learn about the Eagle’s biology, ecology, natural history & cultural connections in an engaging and entertaining presentation.
11:00 AM – 11:45 AM – Honoring the Eagle – A Cultural Presentation
Join us for a cultural presentation by Kim Cackowski, the Native American Outreach and Engagement Coordinator at the Kaukauna Public Library. Kim will discuss the cultural significance of eagles and explain the honored traditions and responsibilities of being an eagle feather holder.
4:00 PM – Sunset Eagle Viewing*
Viewing at the 1000 Islands Fishing Pier, Nelson Overlook or at Ahlstrom Technology Support Ctr., Thilmany Rd., Kaukauna (North side of river). Naturalists and/or volunteers will be at these viewing sites to assist you to spot and observe Eagles along with answer your questions.
*Eagles can be seen any time of the day, but at sunrise & sunset, they are more active as they are looking for food. Viewing is dependent mainly by the weather. All viewing is outside; dress appropriately & bring binoculars or a spotting scope.