Hours: Tue–Fri 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM • Sat 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM • Closed Sun & Mon

Calendar 0f Events

All Day

Goats Browsing at 1000 Islands

1000 Islands Environmental Center 1000 Beaulieu Court, Kaukauna

Goats from Mulberry Lane Farms will be in a fenced area to eat invasive plants - mainly buckthorn. Weather permitting, the goats will be out working (eating) on a daily […]


Honey Extraction Event

1000 Islands Environmental Center 1000 Beaulieu Court, Kaukauna

Join the resident beekeeper at 1000 Islands, Brian Jacobs, as he extracts honey from the hives at 1000 Islands. Experience how raw honey tastes and see how it is collected […]


A Storybook Walk and Adventure

1000 Islands Environmental Center 1000 Beaulieu Court, Kaukauna

This is a fun, educational activity for the entire family. Enjoy the outdoors and read the book Because of An Acorn by Lola Schaefer. Reading stations will be set up […]